On live preview:
where the ads appear:
They appear throughout its network of Artmotion In order of priority.
what needs:
- Your banner 300*250px in png, jpg, gif format
- 链接的 URL 地址
For the best ad campaign result we have set a small number of ads to appear. For this reason we have appointed 24 advertisers in each space. All ads in each space are displayed randomly. All ads are compatible on computers, (pc, mac) tablets, and Smartphones.
Your ad will start immediately after payment. If you want to see statistics or manage your ad you need to 登记.
We try to keep prices as low as possible for your best service. This way we have achieved a very good relationship between your ad performance and price. For payment security we only use PayPal so if you have not a 贝宝 account please do it now.
Good advertising success!